When are our services?
We celebrate Holy Eucharist at 9:15am on Sundays, featuring the Christ Church Ithan choir. This service is also broadcast live online and available on-demand for those who are unable to attend in-person.
Where should I park?
We have ample parking around the church and adjacent buildings.
Where do my children go?
Children are welcome to participate in the service. A play area is set up at the back of the church so that parents can remain in the service while keeping their children occupied.
Am I expected to put money in the offering basket?
There is no cost to attend our worship services and giving is ultimately between you and the Lord. However, one-time donations, weekly offerings or regular pledges are always welcome.
What is a Christ Church Ithan service like?
Our goal at Christ Church Ithan is loving Jesus, loving His Word, and loving people as a way of life. Our services, therefore, are focused on understanding and applying the whole counsel of God through a study of the Bible.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code at Christ Church Ithan. The bottom line is that you've chosen to join us for service and we are thrilled to have you with us. Wear what you feel comfortable in!
How can I get involved at Christ Church Ithan?
There are a multitude of different ways to serve. Just talk to one of our ministry leaders to see how you can help or contact the church office and we'll get you connected to the right person.
How do I get to Christ Church Ithan?
Use the map below for navigation.
Our Mission Statement
Christ Church Ithan is a welcoming place of spiritual refuge for all who seek to extend the teachings of Jesus into their lives