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Message from Father Karl

Over the next five weeks, our readings will follow Jesus and the disciples as they journey toward Jerusalem.

While Jesus discusses suffering and death, the disciples—ironically—engage in a debate about their own greatness. In this Sunday’s reading, Jesus shifts their perspective by using a child as a model of true discipleship. With their curiosity, questions, and openness to learning, children embody the qualities Jesus encourages his followers to embrace.

Looking forward to Sunday. Fr. Karl

Cheers, Fr. Karl

As is our custom at Christ Church Ithan, we will return to Eucharistic Prayer A in September. If you worship online and would like a paper copy of the worship pamphlet so that you may follow along, please call Nancy in our church office at 610 688 1110. She will gladly send you a copy.

This Week's Schedule

Sunday, September 22, 2024

9:15 am Holy Eucharist

Link for all livestream services:

The Church office will be open Monday through Friday from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm. 

In case of a pastoral emergency, Father Karl Krueger may be reached on his cell phone at 610-209-6193.

Outreach Opportunities

One of the most requested items from people in need is clean, fresh, new underwear. Really, why should anyone be without? Recognizing this need, along with the fact that many are too shy to ask, The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania (DIOPA) deacons will be organizing the Boxers, Bloomers and Briefs Drive, as our annual Diocesan Convention outreach program.

The Diocese is looking for a variety of sizes for men, women and children.

A basket has been placed in the back of our church for your donations. All items are due by Sunday, October 13th.